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Friday, January 22, 2010

Life Is Different Expressions Of One Source

The other day I was talking with a friend about seeing the reality of life. Later she sent an email, which said, "For me the challenge is knowing the truth and being that truth. Can't hear it too often."

Apparently there's some confusion there. We don't have to be the truth because we already are. It's not as though there's truth and something other than truth. No, there's only truth. Or we could call it "what is". It's not separate from us and we don't have to be it. We, and everything else, already are it.

Think of it this way: What we see around us is actually just one source expressing itself in many forms. It's like sunshine striking a crystal, which sends rays of differing colors all around a room, for instance. The colors appear different but they're really all sunlight, expressing in different forms. One source, many forms. 

Knowing that that one source of everything is all there is we can simply relax into our true nature of pure "being/awareness". The "me" we think we are is simply another expression of that one source, and that source is living as a frog, a tree, a you and a me. That means we don't have to try to control life.

Instead, we can witness life flowing moment by moment in one harmonious pattern. We don't need to understand the pattern or try to figure out why it is the way it is. How much energy do you spend trying to figure out why the sun comes up in the east every day? You need spend no more energy trying to figure out life, or worse, suffering because it doesn't go your way.

By simply knowing that the same energy that keeps the stars in place and your heart beating is all there is, what could there possibly be left to do but just be?

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