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Sunday, December 13, 2009

Spirituality Is Practical

Sometimes people get involved in seeking what they consider to be a deeply spiritual life by looking for nirvana or some constant state of bliss. That's way off the mark. The true life of reality is practical; it doesn't take you off into some other world. Circumstances don't change. It may sound too common and ordinary. But to think the so-called spiritual life is something special keeps people in the seeking mode for years - years of frustration.

If living a life of clarity doesn't bring contentment, peace, happiness, then what's all the hullabaloo about? One of the most respected East Indian gurus of the last century was a man named Nisargadatta Maharaj, who was a very common man, living an everyday life. When he was asked what it was like to live an awakened life he said it was basically just living a "life with no problems". Doesn't sound very "spiritual" does it? And not being anything special is what makes seeing life clearly so special.

Posted via email from A Happy, Peaceful Life - Your Choice

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