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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Peace: When There Is No Seeking

When you really think about it hasn't your whole life been about striving, searching, seeking in some way? It's constant tension, moment after moment of struggle... sometimes subtle and sometimes right in your face. Almost constantly we're seeking someone's approval or we're seeking the next event or person or thing in life. We think: When I get this I'll be happy. And we're right: We get it and we are happy -- for a brief time. Then it's back to the old rat race again, trying to get the next thing.

We don't notice that our happiness doesn't come from getting what we wanted. It comes from not striving for a short time, until the newness wears off. Without seeking there's peace. That's our nature. But then we're back to the stress of striving again.

When we see life as it is we realize that it's just doing what it does, without our input. We get what we get exactly when we need it. So the seeking can stop. We begin to see that life just moves -- effortlessly, including moving as us. It's all just the One, showing up in the form of universes, planets, earth, mountains, water, people, animals -- all of it. Who knows why it moves as it does? In a way it's like eternity. No mind can fathom eternity. Or space. No  edges, no beginning or end. No starting, no stopping -- ever. Who knows what that is?

Knowing that Life is just happening, we can stop the search, relax, and just be. What could be happier and more peaceful than just being, without an agenda, without needing to get somewhere, without wanting to have or be something more?

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