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Monday, December 21, 2009

Just Be And You're Happy

Do you remember times when you've been so engrossed in something that you've totally lost track of time, of yourself, and even of the world? You may have been mesmerized by a sunset. Or you've been deeply engaged in a fascinating project. In those times, for a few moments or even minutes, you're simply present, with no thought of yourself at all. In those moments "you" don't exist.

That's what being awake to life really is. You're not thinking of the past, you're not thinking of the future, you simply are. You're just being. That's full-on living because you're just being in that moment, the only time life exists. After all, there's no such thing as past or present except for a thought. They don't exist.

What exists -- the only thing that exists -- is this, right here and right now. Just is-ness. In being with what is there's total peace, total happiness, It's also total love, seeing life just as it is, without judgment, interpretation or opinion. When you don't want anything you feel at ease, relaxed, content. And isn't that what people are seeking with all that striving for more, bigger, better?

Posted via email from A Happy, Peaceful Life - Your Choice

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